ICF-BSE Fellows Debate Session, ESB 2022, Bordeaux
Wednesday, September 7th, 2022

The Fellows Session hosted at the ESB 2022, on  September 7th, in Bordeaux, was of great success! The attendees enjoyed listening to and engaging the speakers who debated on the Motion: “This house believes that in the next decade it will be possible to print fully functional tissues and organs”.

The “Special Fellows Session” is organized by the International College of Fellows of Biomaterials Science and Engineering (ICF-BSE). Fellows of Biomaterials Science and Engineering (FBSE) are elected in a worldwide competition every four years and are among the most accomplished in the field of biomaterials. Special Fellows Sessions explore important and sometimes controversial topics and are designed to be interactive: the audience will have an opportunity to participate in the debate and will vote on the issues.

Moderator and Chair:

  • Rui L. Reis, 3B´s Research Group, University of Minho, Portugal, Chair of the Steering Committee of the Fellows in Biomaterials Science and Engineering (FBSE)


  • For the proposition team
    • Elizabeth Tanner, Queen Mary & Westfield College, UK
    • Michael Gelinsky, Technical University of Dresden, Germany
  • For the opposition team
    • Maria Chatzinikolaidou, University of Crete, Greece
    • Abhay Pandit, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland