Ung-il Chung (Yuichi Tei)
Affiliated Society: Japanese Society for Biomaterials
Country of Residence: Japan
Current Position: Professor
Dr. Ung-il Chung graduated from University of Tokyo School of Medicine to obtain MD in 1989. After working as a Resident and Clinical Fellow in Internal Medicine at University of Tokyo Hospital, where he treated and studied skeletal diseases, he entered and graduated from University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine to obtain PhD in 1997, where he studied skeletal biology using molecular biology techniques. During the period at the graduate school, he recognized the importance of in vivo study of skeletal biology, and joined as a Research Fellow Endocrine Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA in 1995. In 1998, he was appointed Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School, and then Assistant Professor of Medicine in 2001. He studied skeletal biology using mouse models and wanted to apply his basic research results to tissue engineering. In order to open a new lab for skeletal tissue engineering, he came back in 2002 to his alma mater, and has been working at both Graduate School of Engineering and Graduate School of Medicine. Since 2007, he has been holding his current position. His research area is biomaterials, skeletal biology, and skeletal regenerative medicine.
Areas of research interest:
- Biomaterials
- Tissue engineering
- Skeletal regeneration
- Skeletal biology
Research keywords:
Tissue Engineering