Liping Tang
Affiliated Society: Society for Biomaterials (USA)
Country of Residence: USA
Current Position: Professor
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Dr. Tang’s research interest is to understand the mechanisms of foreign body reactions to different medical implants including nano- and microparticles. Dr. Tang’s group is also actively working on the development of bioactive materials and drug delivery nanomaterials which enhance tissue regeneration associated with a variety of diseases. His expertise covers a broad area of biocompatibility, biomaterials, inflammation, infection, stem cells, wound healing and cancer therapy. Dr. Tang has published 132 peer-reviewed journal papers with >6000 citations. His research has been supported by funding from National Institute of Health (NIH), American Heart Association (AHA), Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas, and several medical device companies. He was the recipient of the Young Investigator Award from the Society for Biomaterials in 2001, the Established Investigator Award from the National American Heart Association in 2003, and several research awards. He was elected to be a Fellow of the American Heart Association, a Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, and a Fellow of Biomaterials Science and Engineering. Dr. Tang has served as Associate Editor and Editors on 6 editorial boards. He also serves as a reviewers on numerous national and international funding agencies.
Areas of research interest:
Foreign body reactions, biomaterial-mediated inflammatory responses, device-centered infection, tissue regeneration, stem cell-associated tissue regeneration, bone tissue engineering, cartilage regeneration, cancer trap design, tissue engineered lymph nodes,nanoparticle cell toxcity
Research keywords:
Nanotechnology,Ophthalmic Biomaterials, Orthopaedic Biomaterials, Protein and Cells at Interfaces, Stem Cells, Surface Characterization and Modification, Tissue Engineering, Engineering Cells and Their Microenvironments, Implant Pathology