Heinrich Planck Prof. Dr.
Affiliated Society: European Society for Biomaterials
Country of Residence: Germany
Current Position: CEO Polymedics Innovtions GmbH
born 1947, education in mechanical engineering / textile technology at University of Stuttgart (Germany), 1974 Scientist Institute for Textile and Process Engineering (ITV Denkendorf) 1980 – 1998 Supervisor Biomedical Engineering Group, 1998 Director of ITV and Full Professor for Textile Technology / Biomedical Engineering, add. 2001 CEO ITV Product Service GmbH, 2006 Director Interuniversital Center for Biomedical Engineering Stuttgart-Tuebingen, Vicepresident and President German Soc. for Biomaterials Member of the Coucil Europ. Soc. Biomaterials Director and Member of the Board of several Center of Excellences Biomedical Engineering
Areas of research interest:
biomaterials for soft tissue replacement, Implants, artificial organs, tissue engineering, wound care
Research keywords:
Biomaterials and Medical Products Commercialization