Feng-Huei Lin

Affiliated Society: Chinese Taipei Society for Biomaterials
Country of Residence: Taiwan
Current Position: Director, Institute of Biomed. Eng. & Nano-med., National Health Research Institute, Taiwan


Dr. Feng-Huei Lin was born in 1957 in Taiwan. He obtained his BS degree in Department of Earth Sciences, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan, in 1980. After served in army for 2 years, he was invited to be a teaching assistant in Department of ES, NCKU, in 1982. In 1983, he joined the Functional Ceramics Lab in Institute of Materials Sciences and Engineering, NCKU, Taiwan. He was assigned to do the research in Bio-ceramic and Composite for Orthopedics; where he received the training both in Materials Technology and Medical Science. During the PhD training, he was not only to take course in engineering school, but also in medical school; that included biochemistry, cell biology, physiology, pathology, anatomyäó_ He was honored as PhD degree with 12 SCI publications in November, 1989.

In early 1990, He was recruited as an associate professor in Centre for Biomedical Engineering, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University (NTU); where he started his academic career. In 1997, he promoted to the full professor. He organized to setup the institute of biomedical engineering in NTU and served as acting director in the institute during 1997-1999. He was invited to be the first Engineering background director in Department of Biomedical Engineering, NTU-hospital (2002-2005). In 2005-2008, he back institute of biomedical engineering, NTU, as director. During 2006-2009, National Science Council, Taiwan, asked his help to be the Convener of Biomedical Engineering Division to allocate the budget and to make the future planning in the next 10 years. In 2008-2011, he temporarily transferred to Biomedical Engineering Division, National Health Research Institute, as director and took in charge of Development of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering. Now, he is the Director of Ins Biomd Eng & Nanomed, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan (2014-)ÜóTenure Distinguished Professor in NTU, Chair professor in National Taipei University of Technology, Executive editor of Journal of Biomedical Engineering.

Dr Lin served as standing committee member in many international societies since 1996. He was permanent international advisory board in Ceramic, Cell and Tissue (CCT) (1998-2010); and served as the President in 2010. He was one of the standing committee members in WACBE (2005-) and council member in TERMIS-AP Chapter (2009-2011); the international advisory board member of World Association of Preventive & Regenerative Medicine (WAPRM) since 2009; the permanent international advisory board member of International Society of Blood-derived Biomaterials (ISBB) since 2010. He also served as editorial board members in many SCI journals, for instance, Biomaterials, Current Medicinal Chemistry, International Journal of Biomaterials, International Journal of Biomater Resear and Eng, Journal of Musculoskeletal Research etc.. Dr. Lin also honored as International Fellow of International College of Biomaterials Science and Engineering (2012); International Fellow

Areas of research interest:
Bio-materials, Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine

Research keywords:
Biomaterials and Medical Products Commercialization