Antonietta M. Gatti
Affiliated Society: European Society for Biomaterials
Country of Residence: Italy
Current Position: Principal Investigator in Nanodiagnostics
Dr. Gatti is Associate Professor at the National Council of Research of Italy, Institute of Science and Technology of Ceramic materials, has a contract as lecturer at the University of Urbino (Italy). She founded Nanodiagnostics, a research Company for investigations in pathological tissues and diagnoses of nanopathologies. She is Visiting Professor at NUARI (Washington, USA) and a consultant of the European Science Foundation. She has been in charge of the Laboratory of Biomaterials at the University of Modena (Italy) for 32 years.
Dr. Gatti is the discoverer of “nanopathologies”, i.e. pathologies due to engineered or incidental nanoparticles, that can cause pathologies like cancer and mysterious diseases. Her pioneering studies were supported by the European Commission, by the Institute of Technology of Italy, by the Ministry of Defense of Italy and was and is appointed consultant of the Italian Governmental Commission on the Depleted Uranium and related diseases and member of a National Technical Committee by the Minister of Defense for the soldiers_Ñé diseases. For her nanotoxicological studies she was invited at the House of Lords in London for Auditions twice.
She was lecturer at the University of Ferrara, Bologna, Modena and Reggio Emilia of Biomaterials and released lessons in foreign Universities: Washington, Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne.
Dr. Gatti wrote more than 240 articles, 2 books ( Nanopathology: the health impact of nanoparticles, PanStanford , Singapore, 2008; Case Studies in Toxicology and Particle toxicology, Elsevier, USA, 2015) and 7 chapters in books. She was member of some European Commissions and worked at ISO and OECD for the Nanomaterials Standardization. She is active at NGOs of the European Commissions.
Areas of research interest:
Dr. Gatti discovered Nanopathology and is expert in Nanotoxicology, Nanoecotoxicology, Forensic Nanopathology.
At present she is active in the diagnostic process of neurological illnesses, of orphan and mysterious diseases. The investigations performed help to identify a pollution in the pathological tissues, to correlate this environmental/industrial exposure suffered by the patients with the disease and to identify the source of the pollution. Often th simple elimination of the exposure help the patient to recover.
Research keywords:
Engineering Cells and Their Mircoenvironment