Congratulations to the 2020-2024 ICFBSE Steering Committee!

Michael Sefton

Laura Poole-Warren

Min Wang

Rui Reis

Karen Burg

Liz Tanner

John Hunt

Maria Cristina Tanzi
Bylaw Amendment Proposals
Amendment #1: APPROVED (86.6%)
To ensure continuity and historical perspective it is proposed to create a non-voting position for the past chair to serve on the newly-elected steering committee.
Approved change:
“The Steering Committee (SC) constitutes the government of the ICF-BSE. It consists of three (3) officers and five (5) members-at-large: Chair, IFC-BSE, Treasurer, IFC-BSE, Secretary, ICF-BSE, and five (5) additional steering committee members. The immediate Past Chair will also serve as a non-voting member of the newly elected Steering Committee.”
Amendment #2: APPROVED (98.3%)
The proposed change will limit service on the Steering Committee to no more than two (2) consecutive terms. However, it is allowable to serve more than two (2) terms, as long as there is an interval of at least one (1) unserved term in between.
Approved change:
“Officers and members of the Steering Committee are limited to no more than two (2) terms totaling eight (8) years of uninterrupted service.”