2024-2028 Steering Committee Candidate:

Rui Reis


Affiliation: 3B´s Research Group, I3Bs, University of Minho, Guimaraes, Portugal

Professor Rui L. Reis, PhD, DSc, Hon. Causa MD, Hon Causa PhD, FBSE, FTERM, member of NAE, FAIMBE, FEAMBES, is a Full Professor of Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine, Biomaterials and Stem Cells at University of Minho (UMinho), Portugal. He is the Founding Director of the 3B’s Research Group and the Dean/President of the I3Bs – Institute for Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics, as well as the Director of the ICVS/3B´s Associate Laboratory, all based at UMinho. He is also the CEO of the European Institute of Excellence on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. He has been (2015-2018) the Global President of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS) and the Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (2007-2021). He is presently Associate Editor of PNAS-NEXUS and is in the Editorial Board of several other relevant journals. He is a recognized World expert in the TERM and biomaterials fields, that has edited several books and has more than 1865 published works listed on ISI Web of Knowledge with an h index of 116 (1680 works and h=124 in Scopus and 2640 and h=150 in Google Scholar), being also an inventor of around 130 patents. He has more than 1205 publications with more than 10 citations each (i10). Based on those, he co-founded several companies that raised important private investments. According to Google Scholar his work has been cited more than 102500 times. He is listed in the annual Highly Cited Researchers 2022 and 2023 lists from Clarivate (responsible for the ISI Web of Science).

He has been awarded many important international prizes, including among several others different innovation awards, the Jean Leray, George Winter and Klaas de Groot Awards (ESB), the Clemson Award for contributions to the literature Award (SFB), the TERMIS-EU contributions to the literature Award and the TERMIS-EU Career Achievement Award, the UNESCO- International Life Sciences Award and the IET A. F. Harvey Engineering Research Prize. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering (USA), Fellow of Biomaterials Science and Engineering (FBSE), Fellow of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (FTERM). He was the chair of the FTERM College of Fellows (2019-2021) and is presently (since 2020) the Chair of the Steering Committee of the International College of Fellows of FBSE. He was awarded 2 honouris causa degrees. He is/has been the PI of projects with a budget totalizing more than 140 MEuros of which around 65 MEuros are U. Minho funding.

Vision & Purpose:

I want to highlight further the honorary status of “Fellow, Biomaterials Science and Engineering” (FBSE) as created by the World Biomaterials Congress and developed later by the International Union of Societies on Biomaterials Science and Engineering (IUSBSE). New Fellows will continue, as agreed since 1992, to be announced and recognized at World Biomaterials Congresses. These duly nominated, approved, confirmed, and installed fellow have the right to carry, for life, the letters FBSE.

There is a continuous need for the public recognition of the biomaterials science and engineering societies members who have gained a status of excellent professional standing and of their high achievements in the BSE field. These individuals, recognized as FBSE, should be known as role models in the field. In addition, Fellows are expected, through word and deed, to foster the field of biomaterials and to support its professional development as a practical and intellectual endeavour.

I would like to continue to organize special Fellows sessions in different societies of the IUSBSE. These sessions can be debates or other types of special sessions, for instances aimed at mentoring students, post-docs and younger faculty.

We will also have regular Fellows meetings in random IUSBSE member societies meetings.

I would like to reactivate the students exchange program, having more FBSE available to send and receive students in their Laboratories.

I want also to promote an editorial activity and publish a book including the interested Fellows.

I will launch a donations campaign, as done in the past, in order to support the International College of Fellows (ICF-FBSE) activities and its webpage.

I agree to be nominated and I am willing to serve as a member of the Steering Committee 2024-2028.